1st Portuguese Conference on Brain Stimulation in Mental Health

The 1st Portuguese Conference on Brain Stimulation in Mental Health (#PCBS24), scheduled to take place on April 10th, 2024, is an exciting and pivotal event in the field of brain stimulation and mental health in Portugal. This inaugural conference is set to precede the 6th European Conference and aims to gather the foremost national experts and researchers in this burgeoning field.

With the primary objective of fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and advancing our comprehension of brain stimulation's critical role in mental health, this event promises to be a cornerstone in the pursuit of innovative solutions and improved clinical practices within Portugal's scientific community.

The organising committee of the 1st Portuguese Conference on Brain Stimulation in Mental Health is pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for consideration.

We welcome abstract submissions until February 14th. Participants have the option to present their abstracts and posters in either Portuguese or English. Moreover, if interested, contributors can indicate their willingness for their work to be considered for inclusion in the Poster Session of the 6th ECBS. Please note that only works submitted in English will be considered for this specific purpose.

Paul B. Fitzgerald



Ana Ganho Ávila




8:00 Registo (Registration)

8:30 Sessão de boas vindas AUDITORIUM
(Welcome session)

9:00 Keynote lecture AUDITORIUM

Estimulação Cerebral Não Invasiva na Depressão Perinatal: das preferências subjetivas à precisão clínica

(Non-invasive Brain Stimulation in Perinatal Depression: from subjective preferences to clinical accuracy)

Ana Ganho Ávila

10:00 Sessão I AUDITORIUM
(Session I)

Marcos da Estimulação Cerebral na prática clínica em Portugal

(Milestones of Brain Stimulation in clinical practice in Portugal)

Chair: Albino J. Oliveira-Maia

Primórdios da Eletroconvulsivoterapia em Portugal

(The beginnings of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Portugal)

Pedro Varandas

História moderna da Eletroconvulsivoterapia em Portugal

(Modern history of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Portugal)

Inês Cunha    

História da Estimulação Cerebral Profunda na Psiquiatria em Portugal

(History of Deep Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry in Portugal)

João Relvas

Introdução da Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana na Psiquiatria em Portugal

(Introduction of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Psychiatry in Portugal)

Albino J. Oliveira-Maia

11:00 Coffee-Break

11:30 Sessão II AUDITORIUM
(Session II)

Presente e futuro da Estimulação Cerebral na prática clínica em Portugal

(Present and future of Brain Stimulation in clinical practice in Portugal)

Chair: Joana Andrade

Estimulação Cerebral Profunda na Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva

(Deep Brain Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

Ricardo Moreira

Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana na Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva

(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

Joana Andrade

Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana na Depressão

(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Depression)

Pedro Frias

Novas indicações para Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana

(New indications for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

Gonçalo Cotovio

12:30 Almoço & sessão de pósteres
(Lunch & poster session)

8:00 Registo (Registration)

8:30 Sessão de Boas Vindas AUDITORIUM
(Welcome Session)

14:00 Keynote lecture AUDITORIUM

TMS in Depression: what do we know now and what do we still need to understand

(EMT na Depressão: o que já sabemos e o que ainda precisamos perceber)

Paul Fitzgerald

(Session III)

Marcos da Estimulação Cerebral na investigação em Portugal

(Milestones of Brain Stimulation research in Portugal)

Chair: Nuno Pinto

Uma visão global sobre o papel das abordagens de Estimulação Cerebral no Neurodesenvolvimento e nos Distúrbios Neurológicos em adultos: dos mecanismos de ação às abordagens terapêuticas

(An overview of the role of Brain Stimulation approaches in Neurodevelopmental and Adult Neurological Disorders: from mechanisms of action to therapeutic approaches)

Miguel Castelo Branco

Relevância da Modelação de Campos Elétricos na Estimulação Cerebral

(Relevance of Electric Field Modeling in Brain Stimulation)

Sofia Fernandes

Da Neuromodulaçao Cognitiva à Neuroestimulação Terapêutica: relato de alguns ensaios (e muitos erros)

(From Cognitive Neuromodulation to Therapeutic Neurostimulation: report of some trials (and many errors))

Oscar F. Gonçalves

Laboratório de Neurofisiologia da FCS_UBI: contributos para o conhecimento nas Neurociências Clínicas

(FCS_UBI Neurophysiology Laboratory: contributions to knowledge in Clinical Neurosciences)

Assunção Vaz Patto

16:00 Sessão IV AUDITORIUM
(Session IV)

Presente e futuro da Estimulação Cerebral na investigação em Portugal

(Present and future of Brain Stimulation research in Portugal)

Chair: Sandra Carvalho

Estimulação Cerebral Não Invasiva para o compromisso da Cognição Social na Esquizofrenia

(Non-invasive Brain Stimulation for Social Cognitive impairment in Schizophrenia)

Nuno Madeira

Neuromodular o mecanismo para translação clínica

(Neuromodulating the mechanism for clinical translation)

Jorge Leite

Estimulação Transcraniana por Corrente Contínua – evidência clínica e aplicações futuras

(Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation – clinical evidence and future applications)

Sandra Carvalho

Estimulação Elétrica Subconvulsiva para Mania

(Subconvulsive Electrical Stimulation for Mania)

Amilcar Santos

17:00 Coffee-Break

17:30 Sessão pública especial AUDITORIUM
(Special public session)

Live Podcast “Somos Todos Malucos”

António Raminhos & Convidados

(Live Podcast “We Are All Crazy”)

(António Raminhos & Guests)





Registration Fees


1Oth April

Students/Trainnes/Residents — 30€


1Oth April

Regular — 50€

The in-person registration fee includes access to a 1-day scientific at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, admission to the catering service during breaks and lunches.

* On the registration page please choose one of the three “6th ECBS24 - Early Bird” Tickets available. In the end you must express your interest in participating in the 1st Portuguese Conference on Brain Stimulation.

** On the registration page please choose the option “1st Portuguese Conference on Brain Stimulation (#PCBS2024) - Free Ticket”

*** On the registration page please choose the option “PCBS2024 (10th April) - Students/Trainees/Residents”

**** On the registration page please choose the option “PCBS2024 (10th April) - Regular/All Others”

6th European Conference on Brain stimulation ticket purchase terms and conditions apply.

Scientific Committee

Adriana Sampaio
Ana Matos Pires
António Jorge Leite
António Macedo
Eduardo Gomes Pereira
Elsa Lara
Filipe Fernandes

Inês Cunha
Inês Chendo

João Bessa
Miguel Castelo-Branco
Ricardo Moreira
Rita Navarro
Oscar F. Gonçalves